Wednesday, August 1, 2007

.....We have contact.....!

You know the time is FINALLY nearing when you hear from your agency asking for your immigration document # from your application to sponser your daughter....(and no know who you don't have it yet, our paper work is going out's all signed, sealed and on the table ready to be delivered!)

....we got an email today from our agency saying...and I quote...."Since time to a referral is getting short...." exciting is that! I know we are likely still a couple months away from referral but I'm starting to see the glare that little pot is making at the end of the rainbow! I'm so excited....and nervous....and let's face it....scared to death.....I'm FINALLY going to be a Mommy! (...wipe tears away here...).

Well, that's all I had to share with you tonight, hoping to hear more news by end of week about the referral cutoff this month....rumor is that the stork is flying....come on referrals!


Angela said...

wow, that's so exciting!! You are getting so close!!! If they do the rumored 7 days this have only 14 days of LIDs left!! holy cow!!

We need to celebrate!!

Angela :)

PS Better get that application in!!

Family Life said...

YIPPPPPEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! How exciting!! Is it starting to feel like it really will happen? Just the incentive you needed to get that paperwork in the mail!!! I am game for a night out to celebrate.....pick a date girls!!!

Madison is Finally HOME! said...

The paper work is in the mail....YEAH!!!! Now to just concentrate on getting her room and procrastination...!

Steph: I think it definitely calls for a celebration - it's getting very exciting now, soon I'll get to say "We're next!"....then the celebrating will really begin! ha ha ha!