Monday, October 29, 2007

still waiting on referrals to be mailed out...

...some seem to think that referrals will be mailed out this week, it's only Monday so there is still lots of time for them to be mailed, keep your fingers, toes, eyes and anything else you can cross for the stork to fly this week! I'll post as soon as I hear anything.


Monday, October 22, 2007

The count down is on.....

....we are down to weeks now before we will FINALLY see our daughter's face and get to know more about her, there really isn't much for rumors out there, except that Dec 10, 05 may be included in this next round of referrals, which I hope is a true rumor. I'm also hoping that referrals come out next week, but I'm prepared for the first week of November.

Chris and I met one of the couples that we will be travelling with, they are logged in the same day as us, Hi Shelley & John! It was great to meet them, we had a lot of fun and I'm sure we will have a blast in China with our girls!!!!

That's about it, I'll post again when we get more details.


Tuesday, October 9, 2007

WE'RE NEXT!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't believe I actually get to say these words!!! CCAA has 'officially' stated the cut off is November 30th, 2005. They were on Holiday last week for the Autumn Moon Festival and have updated their website with their cutoff.

Congratulations to our friends Scott & Jen for getting their referral this week and Anik & Tim for the referral of their beautiful baby daughter Delphine (7 months from Sichaun) as well as all the other families who have or will receive their referrals this month!

The count down is on until we get to FINALLY see a picture of our sweet baby girl next month! YEEEEEAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

quick update....

and I mean quick....still no news, apparently referrals have been shipped but our agency hasn't received anything, we are touch and go whether we will be included or not and it's definitely been hard concentrating on anything, I'll post when things are confirmed.