Tuesday, October 9, 2007

WE'RE NEXT!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't believe I actually get to say these words!!! CCAA has 'officially' stated the cut off is November 30th, 2005. They were on Holiday last week for the Autumn Moon Festival and have updated their website with their cutoff.

Congratulations to our friends Scott & Jen for getting their referral this week and Anik & Tim for the referral of their beautiful baby daughter Delphine (7 months from Sichaun) as well as all the other families who have or will receive their referrals this month!

The count down is on until we get to FINALLY see a picture of our sweet baby girl next month! YEEEEEAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!


RoLo said...

YIPPEEEEEEEE Big Hugs from us:)

Anonymous said...

How are you doing? I know I was a little crazy, this time last month

Jen (of Scott and Jen)

Madison is Finally HOME! said...

Hi Jen, I've been going a LOT crazy lately, I can't believe we are getting referral in a few weeks! I'm overjoyed and excited and scared all wrapped up in one!

We've still got a lot to do around the house and we haven't started the nursery yet, but hopefully we'll have it started next week.

See you tonight!