Yup the title says it all, we're getting down to last bit of a long wait.....can't believe that tomorrow is just about here for us in China.
This morning Yulin the director of our agency took us to the Temple of Earth where the Chinese people do their morning exercises. We were very quickly invited to join in. Some of us did a cross between Tai Chi and Country-line-dancing, some ballroom danced while yet others played with an unusual hackie sack type of a toy. The lady in the right wearing red has the toy it has a small weight on the botom with large feathers that act like a parachute on top.
The Folks we played Hackie Sack with
Tai Chi with swords....yikes!
A small but normal size roadway in China on our way to the Temple
While I played the hackie sack game I just thought to myself that this all seems rather surreal. Here Tracy and I are in a country half way around the world about to get our daughter. Today we're playing hackie sack and tomorrow we'll be playing parents. Tonight is our last night as a family of two...It's pretty profound to think that our lives change forever tomorrow afternoon. We picked up a scroll of which we will hang in our house the translation reads "Without the accumulation of small steps, a one-thousand-mile journey cannot be finished". For those of you that know Tracy and I know all too well that we sure have taken enough small steps over the past 12 years to arrive to where we will be tomorrow. Yes it is the end of one journey but only the beginning of another.
We will try to have our blog updated before everyone goes off to work tomorrow morning as we are ahead of you by 12 hours. We get Madi at 1:30PM Monday so it will be 1:30 AM back home in New Brunswick. Keep watching as the next blog posting you'll see will be one of tearful joyous memories,
I'm on the edge of my seat. Cannot wait to see Madi. And yes, it's a surreal journey, isn't it? Your new journey begins when Madi is placed into your arms...Oh, I can't wait! I'll definitely be checking in early tomorrow morning!
So today is officially Madi Eve! (I'm celebrating the 12 days of Madi this year! LOL Just love the updates. The internet is amazing that all this is happening and here we sit watching, just wish there was sound...hint..hint..Well the next time I check I'm sure I'll see the "FAMILY"...can you say goose bumps the size of snow balls....
xoxo Tam Regular
Oh i love this...sitting down in the morning with my coffee and seeing family being formed....Love your posting guys and can't wait to see Miss Madi!!!! I get goosebumps when i read your blog....awesome, awesome!!!! Say hi to Yulin for us, she is one amazing lady!!!!
WOW! I can't beleive your time is almost here....I guess I better have my kleenx ready in the morning you already have me in tears Chris...thanks! u know I'm sensitive like my sister...love u guys can't wait for my tomorrow to see that sweet little girl in your guys arms where she belongs....
I cant wat in til you come bak with madison.my favrit little cuzint.she is variy cute.i now how lucky you are to get her.she is vary lucky to hav you guy's as a mommy and daddy
I mis you I WWW.Webkinz.com
I cant wait to see Madie miss you
(remember Julie and Nikki are in French and have a hard time writing english lol!)
One last road to travel...
one last road to go.
One more day to forever...
just to let you know.
The wait is finally over...
the journey now is through.
And now this comes to let you know...
dreams really do come true!!
hugs & love,
Angela xox
Forget Facebook, emails and internet surfing........I'm addicted to this Madison site!!! I'm certain my breaking isn't even normal today! I'm SOOOOO excited for you both....love you and you are so in our thoughts today. Hannah is super excited for her new friend.
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