Thursday, April 26, 2007

Today's Rumor....

Well, the rumors flying about today are saying we 'may' see some referrals next week, but not to get our hopes up that it will be a good batch. Looks like we may see another small batch this month and possibly next until they are out of October, then we should be back to normal, or whatever normal is at this time I'm guesstimating we may see a referral in the September/October time frame. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE let me be wrong and we see our daughter's beautiful face a lot sooner than this.

I'm in desperate need of retail therapy!


Angela said...

looks like you've been visiting the Rumor Queen!!
Let's hope this batch is bigger than the last!

PS I think I can help you with that retail therapy :)

Anonymous said...

April 27, 2007

Saturday morning, how would you
like to get out of the house and go to the River Run and
then to the Elgin fire hall
for pancakes and maple syrup.
Breakfast on you.
