I hope you all had a wonderful day! We spent some time with my Mom and family today for supper and are hoping to see my Husband's Mom tonight, they've been away all day~so we may end up only visiting tomorrow night since it's after 8pm now.
As promised I've finally found some time to do up a few quick photos of some of my favorite items purchased while in Maine with our friends Angela and Bryan.
The first one is a stroller I saw at JC Penney last year and didn't get it, but when I went back this year and they still had them and it was on sale, I HAD to buy it! It's hard to see in this picture but it's covered with little ladybugs.

This picture has a sweet little ladybug top (on left) with matching shorts, the hems are ruffled..so sweet, the middle outfit is another pair of shorts with a sweet floral halter and the last picture is a little panda bear sweater and jeans with a ribbon down the sides.

When Angela and I saw the 'everyone loves a brown eyed girl' T-shirt at Target we HAD to have them for our girls. I also got a 'my dad rules' onesie in camo....my Husband is into Hunting and fishing so Madi can wear this when she is out with her Daddy having bonding time....no NOT hunting!, another onesie that says I 'heart' Daddy, and my absolute favorite purchase, a pair of pink 'chucks'. When I hit my teen years I had just about every color you can imagine in chuck taylor's...this is what we use to call them....not sure if they do anymore!

Well, that about wraps it up for tonight. I've got a few things left to do before the Finale of Survivor at 9pm. Have a Great Night!