Friday, September 21, 2007

No News.....

Hi Everybody...sorry for not blogging lately, it's been crazy busy and I'm just getting over the cold/flu that's been going around so I haven't felt much like blogging. We had a busy day last was my niece and nephew's 2nd Birthday (yup, they're twins) so we had a small celebration at my Brother and Sister-in-law's for lunch as we had a Surprise 65th Birthday for my Dad later that day too, so there was decorating and setting up to be done. The party turned out really well and he was very surprised. It was nice to see all our family and friends come out to celebrate with us.

I've been diligently watching RQ and there have been no rumors going on....very odd as some predicted we may get referrals sent out before the Autumn Moon Festival Holidays in China...which is on Tuesday Sept 25th...seeing as it's Friday the 21st today looks like we won't see referrals until the beginning of October so we likely won't hear rumors until MAYBE the end of next week.....oh well, I've waited this long what's another couple weeks....Here's hoping they do at least 10 days this referral batch....if they do then we'd be in, if not, we would be next....WOW...hard to believe I'm able to FINALLY say those words.


RoLo said...

My goodness September cannot move along quick enough.....

Madison is Finally HOME! said...

You've got that right Lorraine! I'm on pins and needles waiting to see if by some miracle we are included in this next batch....with no rumors going on I'm about going to go crazy...ha ha ha....