Tracy and I at the Jiangxi Province Center of Adoption Services.
We started out today back at the office where Madi was "born into our arms" (Thanks Krista) This is where we had to go through a very simple interview and also pay our fees, and give gifts to the orphange director and foster mother.
We also had the opportunity to hold Madi's birth note today although we were not allowed to keep it we did get some photos.
We do not ever get to meet Madi's foster mother but she must be quite a lady. The way that Madi is today can only mean one thing that Madi was treated with care and love. In our eyes she prepared Madi for us like no other could have. She sleeps very sound, very rarely fusses and eats, pees, and poops like a typical 10 month old. We are truly blessed to have such a healthy, happy little girl. We then were off to have documents notoraized where our adoption became official today here is a pic of us with that document.
So that makes us official!! Madi is ours, all documents have been signed and she is ours to keep forever.
For the rest of today we are just going to relax and kick back a little. All the stress and anxieties, worries etc are now behind us as Madi is ours. It is like this huge weight has been lifted off our shoulders and now all is good. The butterflies that we now feel are no longer the nervousness of this journey but are of becoming new parents. Wow it has finally happened and it's more than we could have ever dreamed of. We are so in love with this little girl that has been in our hearts for years and in our arms for only 2 days.
Tracy feeding Madi
Chris & Tracy and now Madi!
Congratulations,your daughter is beautiful and looks totally at peace in your arms.
Congrats. from Saint John,NB
Madi looks so comfortable, content and happy. As do mommy and daddy. So amazing to see you three finally together.
Madi is adorable!!
Love us
Congrats to the 3 of u a family at last! Enjoy every min and evey cuddle as all 3 of u deserve the love and happiness you have brought to eachother, miss u lots and can't wait to see you home.
She is one beautiful little girl and well you guys are natural parents :) take care!
Love you all
Madi is way TOOOOO cute! The three of you radiate with contentment & joy .... it looks GREAT on you! NOW it's official.... AWESOME news!
Congratulations!! She is right where she belongs :) Finally!!
Love the picture of Tracy giving Madi her bottle, a perfect picture!
hugs and love
Angela & Bryan
Congratulations on having all the paperwork completed! That document in your hands sure had a journey behind it! But the future ahead of it is the journey of a lifetime with Madi! Madison is so comfortable with her mother and father! WOW....I would be too feeling all of that love:)
Tammy R. & Family xoxo
Wow is that ever a nice looking famliy. You guys seem right at home with Madison. The way Madison looks in the pics, it's like she knew you guys, well I should say her parents were coming to get her. Madison is just so peaceful and right at home with you both.
Love all of you
I love the picture of Tracy giving Madi a bottle, it made me cry, you both look so happy and comfortable. Exactly the way it was meant to be!!!!!
Lisa,Brent & Cole
Hi Chris & Tracy,
Congratulations Mommy and Daddy, the three of you are blessed beyond measure. Isn't it awesome that of all the couples in the world, God chose you to be Madison's parents. Enjoy every moment you're there ... these are memories you're going to treasure.
Dan, Dale & Chloe Babineau
Congratulations, guys!!! Life sure is good. You all look so content and Madi looks like one happy little girl! Hurry home so we can meet her!!!!
OK, so we're addicted to this Blog more then ever. Anxious to see all of the updates and pictures of the family!!! Chris, you write so well, it's like we're right there with you guys. Thanks! Can't wait to see that little beauty in person. Angus, Maili and Kael send their love and talk about 'Baby Madison' all of the time.
Love you all so much.
Kev & Dee
I dont think I have ever checked a website so often in my life!! It means the world to all of us that 'check' in that you take the precious time to update us on Madi and the birth of Madi becoming your daughter,,thank you.
As I scrolled down the pics..tears..then when I saw the pic of the 'note' that was left with Madi..I lost it...God had a plan..The 20th of Dec cannot come close enough..I'll be the one at the airport with no makeup on my face from 'joy' tears! Love you all more than words!
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