A Daddy and Daughter's first glance.....ya I know this one is a tear jerker from Gotcha Day!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Good Morning - Day 3 - VIDEO ADDED...I think let me know
Well, I guess I forgot to post a picture last night with our last post I almost forgot you folks back home do not have a view that we do LOL....so here's a couple.
A Daddy and Daughter's first glance.....ya I know this one is a tear jerker from Gotcha Day!
.....and how about this one, this is what we see when she gets up and looks around each morning.....
So there's a couple of pics, we hope you enjoy.... Cindy mentioned about Walmart......well have we got stories for you all. Walking around now that we have Madi is a much more different experience than just a couple of westerners. We have pretty much elevated to celebrity status. Everyone stops to see you and those that speak English enjoy practicing speaking with you. The 1 hr shopping spree turned into paparazzi frenzy. Very few disapprove of what it is that we are doing and we have these great little cards that say on them that we are here to adopt our little girl and all seem to be ok with, so far. Poor Sherri in our group was chastised for not having enough clothing on her little one, but I guess this is a common occurrence. Today is another day and we will share what suprises we come across in today’s adventure. We love you all, Chris, Tracy, and Madi
A Daddy and Daughter's first glance.....ya I know this one is a tear jerker from Gotcha Day!
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Isabel says "I love you!"
Elizabeth says "I can't wait to see you Madi."
Milo says 'can't wait to see you, we all love you'
Christopher & Tracy
We just cannot put it all into words how we feel in our hearts right now. The love for the three of you, to see you as the family we always believed in God for you and to see the word of God (His promises come to pass in your life.) Tracy we haven't seen you look so radiant since your wedding day. Christopher there is a light in your eyes we have never seen before. Madi truly is beautiful, can't wait to hold her. You are an awesome looking family. Our prayers are with you everyday, we love you.
God Bless
Love Mom & Dad
Chad said it all in their message to you.
Good morning Chris, Tracy and Madi,
We would like to congratulate you on being new parents, the most wonderful journey in the world. We're so happy for you and she's absolutely adorable. That little girl is already loved so much. We can't wait to meet her. What a wonderful Christmas this will be. Right now, we have snow, hopefully it will still be here when you get back. Madi will love it. Take care.
Love Nicky, Rick and Jeremy Paleske
Ok, maybe by the time Madi is 20 years old the tears 'may' stop flowing! My goodness!!! with every picture, I get all sappy and soak the keyboard!! This is truly Christmas!!
Thanks for the pictures...you know its all about Madi now!
Love, love that picture of Madi..I'm going to make it my screensaver! What a sweetie :) I love that smile.
It was so great talking you ~ we can't believe you called from CHINA!! We miss you soooo much!!
lots of love and hugs across the miles to you three,
Ange & Bryan
Oh my GOD Chris...these pictures are absolutely precious. Madi is soooooo cute... absolutely LOVE the HUGE smiles. Keep the pictures coming!
OMG! Chris that pic of u 2 is amazing.....That was a very happy and special day for all 3 of you.....you can see it in Madi's face she sure lucked out!!!!!!She is so cute! you guys have had me in tears since the start of this journey hurry up and come home...miss you all very much!
OMGosh she is waaayyy tooooo CUTE!!! I bet you guys are having a blast..just put a blanket around Madi when you are out and about and the fashion police will leave you alone...i got my knuckles rapped for Isabella's legs showing some!!! LOL Love Madi's smile and i think i see a tooth!!!
Hey guys, Madi seems super happy, love the big smiles. I love it when the babies wake up so happy. She is such a pretty little baby. She is one lucky girl to have you guys as parents. Have fun with the rest of your trip.
Your neighbors
Laura, Jay, Emma, Baby Evan.
You got it big bro, when your daughter looks at you, you melt. I know I do. No matter how many mountains I have to climb in a day at work or how busy and stressful everday life tends to get,including when the Montreal Canadiens lose, which seems to be alot lately :(, when Reece looks at me and smiles, all the frustration (and pain in the case when the HABS lose) goes away. I am glad both of you have can now experience this. Children are truly a blessing from God.
Love you guys,
Justin & the fam
The video worked ~ love that laugh and smile!
I think the expression on Madison's face when she wakes up in the morning pretty much sums things up! SUPER! Could she be more comfortable!! And this is in a hotel room, can only imagine how big her smiles will be when she sees her beautiful bedroom and HOME!!! Little does she now the best is still yet to come, because you have so many loved ones waiting at home for you all! Wow, what a love story..and yeah and does she know about BEN yet!!! lol
Tammy & Family
Awesome video!Please send more. We want to hear Madi some more!
I love the video...keep them coming she sure puts a smile on my face so I can just imagine what this little angel is doing to you guys!
love ya's
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