Well, it's official, the cutoff for this month is November 25th...one day more than I thought it was going to be...I'm so glad I didn't get caught up on the other rumor that some of December was included.
Congratulations to those families that will be seeing pictures of their new baby!
We've got 10 days to go before we reach our LID of December 5, 2005.
Congratulations to those families that will be seeing pictures of their new baby!
We've got 10 days to go before we reach our LID of December 5, 2005.
PLEASE can they get to us before the end of the year!!!!
10 days...wow!! I feel like November will be your month!! I can't wait!! I can't believe its almost your turn!!
We better be off on some of our parental leave together!
Angela :)
Everything crossed for next month Jen of Scott and Jen
Lorraine - I know how you feel, I talked to Bill last night and he said with a LID Dec 5 we should get referral in Nov and that would leave travel over Christmas if everyone in the group wants to travel over Christmas...that's a no brainer for me, so I hope everyone else is on the same page!
Jen - I've got everything crossed and praying for you guys getting referral in Oct...I definitely think you are getting yours! I can't wait to see a pic of your new baby...sooooo exciting!
Ange: you better get a referral quick so you, Jen and I can have our picnic and some playdates!
I am so ready for that picnic...even if its in the snow!
Angela :)
They've done plenty of months of more than 10 days! We'll have to meet up somewhere in China if we're there at the same time.
How exciting would that be Jen if we were in China at the same time....and even better if the kids were from the same province...I know, wishful thinking but stranger things have happened...ha ha ha! I've got everything crossed that we are included in this next batch but to keep my sanity I'm prepared for November referral.
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